Ferns Add Exciting Texture to Containers!
While we often turn to flowering annuals or tropicals to make containers stand out, large ferns can also provide the texture and flash to...

Pre-Spring Color from P.J.M. Dwarf Rhododendrons
While we are waiting on spring flowers, early blooming P.J.M. Dwarf Rhododendrons provide a beautiful pop of late-winter color. P.J.M....

Plants We Love: April Rose Camellia
April Rose Camellias (Camellia japonica 'April Rose') is a lush evergreen shrub with large, formal double blooms. Camellias thrive in...

Big Ferns make Containers Pop!
While we often turn to flowering annuals or tropicals to make containers stand out, large ferns can also provide the texture and flash to...

Great Pre-Spring Color from Camellias!
Our Camellias (Camellia japonica) are now blooming and looking great! These Camellias are hardy in Zone 6, and these were developed at...