At the Apple Festival with Simple Life's Model Tiny Home
Are you going to the Apple Festival this weekend? We were happy to help landscape Simple Life's tiny house display on Main Street! They...

Lots of Spring Color from Blooming Azaleas!
Azaleas are blooming in Hendersonville, and we have a lot of spring color! Azaleas perform best in areas with filtered sunlight. Their...

Happy First Day of Spring!!!
Happy first day of spring!! As proud partners of Spring, we can help you add color to your life with beautiful flowering trees, shrubs,...

Plants we Love: Cherokee Princess Dogwoods
Cherokee Princess Dogwoods (Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess') has large, gorgeous blooms and makes for an amazing specimen in a home...

Beautiful Spring Color from Blooming Redbuds
Blooming Redbud trees (Cercis canadensis) announce the arrival of Spring! Redbuds, both weeping and upright, look great in any season,...

Mother's Day is Next Sunday...
Just a reminder that Mother's Day is Sunday, May 8th. Blooming container gardens, hanging baskets, and even trees and shrubs make great...

Preparing for Freezing Temps - The Great Plant Transport
With temperatures dropping so low tonight, we are preparing for the freeze the best way we can - by moving and covering EVERYTHING! The...

Are Bradford Pears a Curse?
The Greenville (SC) Times recently published interesting articles questioning whether or not Bradford pear (Pyrus calleryana) trees are...